Monday, March 16, 2009

That time of the month

OK, well not that time. I'm at day 13. I believe I've already ovulated, if two ovulation predictor kits, testing of cervical mucus, and feeling mittelschmertz are any indication. My temperature doesn't seem to have spiked, but a nurse at my doctor's office told me a few months back that sometimes the rise in temperature can be very subtle.

This is also the time of the month where I start to wonder if I've conceived. I start to feel psychosomatic pregnancy symptoms, symptoms I couldn't possible feel yet because even if I had conceived, I wouldn't be pregnant yet. I start to play with the idea of how completely wonderful it would be if it FINALLY happened. I imagine how I would tell certain people the news. And then I realize how far ahead of myself I am, and that I need to reign in my overactive imagination until I get a little more evidence.

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