Sunday, July 19, 2009

Day five

There's something so empowering--after spending month after month feeling helplessly infertile--about injecting your body with hormones and watching your body respond accordingly.

During my check up this morning, the ultrasound showed that I now have four follicles maturing at a good rate, at least that's what I think the nurse was telling me. I get so nervous when I'm there that a lot of what is said goes in one ear and out the other. The nurse called me later to say my estradiol level is also where it should be. I don't have to come in to the clinic again until Tuesday. Woo-hoo!

My belly is as large as it's ever been. Even larger than right after I had my laparoscopy, and my stomach was filled with carbon dioxide. I'm wearing pants and shorts with drawstrings, and large shirts that won't accentuate my swollen belly.

Not complaining, though. I'm just thrilled that, so far (and knock wood) my body is responding properly to the hormones.

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