Friday, August 14, 2009

To tell...or not to tell?

I am pregnant. My nurse Nancy called on Wednesday morning to tell me the unbelievable news. I was in shock, because it's news I never expected to hear.

I almost immediately felt protective of the news. But so many people knew we were doing a cycle of IVF, because my husband had to tell his boss to get time off. Also, both my sisters and their families knew, as did a handful of my closest friends. They all knew Wednesday was the day we would learn if I was pregnant. But it felt weird for SO many people to know I was pregnant, considering how early it is. In fact, one of my husband's (pregnant) coworkers chided him, saying, "You're not supposed to tell people until the second trimester."

I know that's the conventional wisdom. But I think that's something my grief counselor would have a problem with. She would say it's a way of having control over something (miscarrying) that you really don't have control over. Besides, this may be the only time in my life I can say the words, "I'm pregnant."

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