Today is my first full day of shots. My husband gave me an injection of Lupron on one side of my belly, and an injection of Gonal-F on the other side. It's not the pinch that bothers me. It really doesn't hurt that much. It's just the thought of the needle entering my body that troubles me. I have a phobia of needles--I always have. I can't watch medical shows on TV because they always seem to throw a shot without warning of someone getting their blood drawn. It makes my skin crawl.
And in that vein (pun intended) I had to go to the clinic to get my blood drawn. The lab was full of women like me, anxious to get the draw out of the way so they can get on with their day. I sat down, filled out the paperwork, and then stuck out my arm. It hurt! A lot! Getting my blood drawn never hurts, but this time it did. And then when the phlebotomist was finished, I heard her say, "Oh, no." She was supposed to draw two tubes, and only did one. She started digging around in the original vein for more blood, but it had already started to clot. I made the mistake of looking over at my arm during her hunt, and almost blacked out. In fact, after she drew blood using a second vein, I started sweating so profusely that she ran to get wet clothes for me. She told me to put my head down, and started fanning me with her clipboard. I felt like such a baby. But I couldn't help it. All that digging made me faint.
On the upside, my husband is being so very nice to me. He keeps saying, "You're my hero." I think I'm going to try and get a foot rub out of this.
I sure hope you got that foot massage!